DELAYEDAt long last, we reach the pinnacle of our countdown – the number one, singlemost reason why you need a stamp.

And it’s one that will be close to the…hearts(?)… of Winnipeg faithful (and no, it’s not “50% Off”).

You see, living in Winnipeg means one thing – longer-than-anticipated waiting time.

It seems like everything in our city is given a grace period. If you’re heading to your friends for dinner, they expect you 15 minutes late while you wait for the babysitter. Got a big meeting downtown? Traffic and construction means you’re going to be 20 minutes late. Ready to move your sports team into a new facility? Well… yeah that’s not quite going as planned either.

Perhaps this is where Manitoba gains its “Friendly” moniker – because there’s a built in expectation that you are going to be a little later than would normally be accepted.

Still, even in a case where something won’t be delivered on time, there is a social norm that is expected, that being the “I’m going to be a few minutes late” call. Not giving such a notice is almost as frowned upon as not waving to someone when they let you into their lane while driving.

That’s why we at CanMark heartily recommend this stamp – our “Delayed” stamp – is something you definitely need for your office. Letting your team know that a decision on their query is going to be late or sending a notice to your client that the work on their home is behind schedule is essential to the survival of your business.

So don’t delay and create your “Delayed” stamp in our online store now. And don’t worry – this is one item that will not be arriving late!

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